Experience, Compassion, Precision 


Last Name:___________________________ First Name:__________________________ M.I.________ 

DOB: _____________ Age: ________ SSN: ________________________ Gender:    M [  ]      F  [   ] 

Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________ 

Physical Address:_____________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________ 

Home Ph#: _____________________   Cell Ph#: ______________________ Work Ph#: _____________________ 

I authorize this organization to a message on my voicemail    Y [  ]   N [  ]     Home [ ]   Cell [ ]   Work  [ ] 

Email Address:________________________________ Marital Status   M [  ]   S [   ]    D [  ]    W [  ]    

Employed:  Y [  ]   N[  ]                               If yes, Employer Name: ______________________________________ 

Occupation/Title: _________________________    Retired: Y [  ]  N [  ]       Student:  Y [  ]    N [ ]  


Primary Care Doctor: _________________________           Referring Physician: ________________________ 

Other Medical Doctors seen: ____________________________                 _______________________________ 


Primary Insurance: __________________________________ Primary Insured: _________________________ 

DOB of Insured:_______________  ID#: _____________________________ Group#:_____________________ 

Secondary Insurnace: __________________________________ Secondary Inured: ______________________ 

DOB of Insured: ______________   ID#: ________________________________ Group#: _________________ 

If you have Medicare and a private insurance, does your employer have more than 20 employees  Y  [ ]    N [  ] 


Emergency Contact: _________________________ Relationship: _______________ Phone#: ______________ 

Emergency Contact: _________________________ Relationship: _______________ Phone#: ______________ 

I authorize this organization to discuss my condition with the persons listed above.  Y [  ]    N [  ] 


I authorize the release of any medical or other information necessary to process my claims. I also request payment of government benefits either to myself or to the party physician or supplier for services described, who accepts assignment. I authorize payment of medical benefits to the claim.  

__________________________________________                          __________________________ 

Signature                                                                                               Date 


Due to the HIPAA Compliance Privacy Laws of the Federal Government, it is mandatory that we ask you to review and answer the following questions listed below.

NAME: __________________________________ D.O.B: _______________ Pt. Acct#_______

May we leave messages with detailed medical information (including billing information) on voicemail at either of your home or cell phone? Y [ ] N [ ] Cell _________________ Home___________________

May we contact your place of employment? Y[] N[] If so, may we leave a message? Y[] N[]

Work #___________________ Ext: ____

Do you have any particular person or family members that you authorize to receive and discuss information regarding your personal health information (general, surgical and billing information)? Y [ ] N [ ]

If yes, please provide:
Name ____________________________ Relationship____________ Phone #_____________
Name ____________________________ Relationship____________ Phone #_____________
Are any of these people your Power of Attorney for medical purposes? Y [ ] N [ ]

I authorize the release of my medical records to other Physicians/HealthCare providers Y [ ] N [ ]

Referring Physician: _________________________ Medical Doctor: ________________________

Other Physicians: __________________________ ___________________________

I hereby authorize HD Retina Eye Center Ltd. to obtain or release any and all pertinent information regarding my medical care, as needed, to assist in my ongoing treatment or from other health care providers, laboratories, radiology facilities or other institutions. This authorization remains in effect until revoked.

I have reviewed the aforementioned information and provide my consent regarding any and all issues as stated above.

I acknowledge that I have read, understand and been offered a copy of the HD Retina Center Ltd Notice of Privacy Practices. I have reviewed HD Retina Eye Center Ltd. Notice of HIPAA Privacy Policy (A copy of this policy will be provided to me upon request.)


Nondiscrimination statement for significant publications and signification communications that are small-size:

HD Retina Eye Center complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.

____________________________ ______________________

Signature (patient or parent if minor) Date


Witness (Staff Signature)


I request that any authorized benefit payments on my behalf, from Medicare or any other insurance company, be made directly to HD Retina Eye Center for any services furnished to me by the rendering service provider who accepts assignments. I understand that regulations pertaining to Medicare assignment of benefits apply. I authorize release of pertinent medical or other information about me to the Social Security Administration and Health Care Financing Administration or its intermediaries or carrier or any other insurance company needed in order to process this or a related Medicare/Other Insurance Company claim.

I also understand that in Medicare/Other Insurance assigned cases, the physician or supplier agrees to accept the charge determination of the Medicare/Other Insurance company as the full charge, and the patient is responsible only for the deductible, coinsurance, and non-covered services. Coinsurance and the deductible are based upon the charge determination of the Medicare/Other Insurance Company.

I am aware the HD Retina Eye Center Ltd is not responsible for any incorrect insurance information or absence of referrals. I understand that I am responsible for payment of services performed if HD Retina Eye Center Ltd does not have the proper insurance information or if a primary care physician referral (if required by your medical insurance) is not made, or I may be subject to rescheduling my exam if the needed referral is not received.

I understand there is a cancelation fee of $25 for an office visit or a $50 fee for a procedure, if I miss my appointment and

do not provide more than 24-hour notice.

I understand that I am financially responsible for ALL charges WHETHER OR NOT paid by my insurance. I hereby authorize release of any information needed to secure payment.

_______________________________________________ ___________________________

Name of Patient/Guardian Date


Signature of patient/guardian


Name: ________________________________________DOB_____________ Pt Acct# (staff will fill in)________

What problem are you seeing us for? _________________________________________________________


When did your problem start? ______________________________________

Who referred you to us? _________________________

Primary Care Doctor: _________________________

Previous Eye History/Surgeries:


Are you experiencing any of the following:

Right Eye: [ ]Blurred vision [ ]Loss of vision [ ]Flashes and/or Floaters [ ]Shadows [ ]Eye Pain [ ]Lazy Eye

Left Eye: [ ]Blurred vision [ ]Loss of vision [ ]Flashes and/or Floaters [ ]Shadows [ ]Eye Pain [ ]Lazy Eye

Review of Systems:


[ ] Hearing Loss [ ] Scalp Tenderness [ ] Hoarseness [ ] Chronic Cough [ ] Bloody Sputum [ ] Jaw Pain


[ ] Cough TB [ ] Wheezing [ ] Shortness of Breath [ ] Asthma [ ] Use of Oxygen


[ ] Headaches [ ] Seizures [ ] Focal weakness [ ] Numbness [ ]Balance Problems [ ] Trouble Walking [ ] Stroke

GI System:

[ ] Abdominal Pain [ ] Nausea [ ] Diarrhea


[ ] ChestPain [ ] IrregularHeartBeat [ ]Heart attack [ ] Congestive Heart failure [ ] Pace maker


Please specify which type, where, and indicate if you received surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormone therapy:__________________________________________________________________



[ ] Diabetes [ ] High blood pressure [ ] Bruise easily [ ] Hepatitis [ ] HIV

[ ] Excessive Thirst [ ] Excessive Urination [ ] Intolerance to Hot/Cold

Current Medication list: Please list all medications you are currently taking (include strength/dosage and how many per day or provide separate list):
1.___________________ 2.___________________ 3.___________________ 4. ____________________



Do you have any allergies and/ or medication allergies? If yes, please list: ______________________________ 


List other SURGERIES and HOSPITALIZATIONS, please include approximate dates: 

Social History:  

Living Conditions: Live alone? Y N      Live with Family? Y N     Live with Friends? Y N 

Do you currently smoke or use tobacco? Y N If yes, how much? _________________________________  

Have you ever smoked or used tobacco? Y N If Yes, when did you quit? __________________________ 

Do you drink alcohol? Y N If yes, how much? _________________________________________ 

Do you consume caffeine? Y N If yes, how much? ______________________________________ 

Do you use any other recreational substances? Y N If yes, which substances? How much? 


Family History of eye problems: (please circle) Diabetes   Cataracts   Glaucoma   Macular Degeneration 

Blindness    Lazy eye/eye turn   Cancer   Heart problems    Thyroid problems    Kidney Disease 


Authorization for treatment: I hereby authorize the physicians of the HD Retina Eye Center LTD to render medical and surgical treatment for my condition (s) as determined medically necessary.  


Patient Signature: __________________________________________       Date: _____________________ 




Dilating drops are used to dilate or enlarge the pupils of the eye to allow the ophthalmologist to get a better view of the inside of your eye. 

Dilating drops frequently blur vision for a length of time which varies from person to person and may make bright lights bothersome. It is not possible for your ophthalmologist to predict how much your vision will be affected. Because driving may be difficult immediately after an examination, it is recommended that you have a driver.  

Adverse reaction such as acute angle-closure glaucoma may be triggered from the dilating drops. This is extremely rare and treatable with immediate medical attention. 


I hereby authorize the physicians or HD Retina Eye Center and/or such assistants as may be designated by him/her to administer dilating eye drops. I understand that the eye drops are necessary to diagnose my condition. This authorization remains in effect for every office visit I may incur where dilation is necessary, unless revoked by me in writing. 



Patient’s Printed Name 


____________________________________________                                    ___________________ 

Patient’s Signature                                                                                                           Date 


__________________________________________                                        ___________________ 

Witness Name & Signature                                                                                          Date 



I, __________________________________hereby authorize Dr. Hardeep Dhindsa, Dr. Spencer Fuller, and their associates to take photographs, slides, and or light digital imaging appropriate to my procedure. I understand this imaging is important in the diagnosis and possible treatment of my condition.  


I further authorize Dr. Hardeep Dhindsa, Dr. Spencer Fuller, and their associates to use the photographs slides, and or imaging for professional medical purposes, while maintaining my confidentiality. Professional medical purposes include but are not limited to showing the photos, slides, and or imaging on all electronic media, or using the photographs, slides and or imaging for purposes of medical publication, medical education, or during lectures to medical or lay groups, and for use in medical examination.  



Name of Patient/ guardian  


_____________________________________                                             ___________________ 

Signature of Patient/guardian                                                                          Date